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Hey Im just a man whos looking for fun. She's a young sexy 27yr Indian with a body to die for, We are very experience with swinging and looking for geniune females and couples to get in touch Let's have some fun Sanj. Someone to spend time with.

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Hi I'm Amy! Hi everyone I'm nick I'm 30 and in a open marriage looking to gain life experiences I missed out on at a young age don't be afraid say hi ladies! I'm newly single and ready to venture into the world again.

Marital Status: Divorced Age: 45 Name: AnaliseArigo1982 Hair: Grey City: Newport, Rhode Island

Discover your full desire, pleasure, and vitality. I am a nerd and eager to learn about you and your deepest desires being fulfilled.
I enjoy meeting laid back people who just want to have a bit of fun then we are waiting to hear from u ! Jet black haired nympho. Always QUALITY over quantity!
Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 51 Name: SharikaCroy974 Hair: Red City: Wood River Junction, Rhode Island

I have no Name but SLAVE, I have no mind of my own and no opinion. Most of all someone who can own their choices and take responsibility for their life. I don't want a prince or a perfect face. NO MEN!!!!!

Looking for thin people ONLY, i hate body hair!

An equal/opposite: considerate; open to receiving pleasure.
Marital Status: Divorced Age: 36 Name: Santiago219722 Hair: Auburn City: Prudence Island, Rhode Island

Looking for outgoing and anything goes fun :). Water into pussy. For my experience married or attached guys are fun, but not required..Bi-curious? He's D/D free and only plays safely. Athletic, Blonde hair, blue eyes Looking for female or male, even down for mfm or mff.
Marital Status: Separated Age: 50 Name: Isaiahbartosch286 Hair: Grey City: Central Falls, Rhode Island

I'm only free normally around 8 to 1030 at nights on weekdays. I think we are at a disadvantage) but I'll not pressure you, and when it comes to intimate themes I'm up to par, we just need to know the basics! Married professionals working in central London.
I can handle 8.5" no problem. Free swinging personal.
Marital Status: Single Age: 34 Name: Dirtyfun2025 Hair: Brown City: Providence, Rhode Island

Yeah ok, i know what id like to write. Sexually active....still enjoys sex.....toys....sometimes soft sometimes erotic...sneaky....sometimes people watch just to turn them on....play stuff....open to trying new things. Hot sex females. Life's too short to dwell on the small things. We are affectionate, discreet and respectful. I am willing to visit you if in your area, or as I stay in hotels you could visit me.
Marital Status: Married Age: 40 Name: seandean76 Hair: Brown City: Clayville, Rhode Island

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I don't like when people think they can posses other people! I mean..