Very Independent and open minded Gentleman. Pussy in Buffalo, MO. Ant sexy woman

I'm honest, caring, respectful and very loving. Might go further if interesting.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 45 Name: Curiousity8665 Hair: Black City: Buffalo, Missouri

I don't want to travel too far to meet.
I have never in my life taken a picture of my junk so the chances of me sending you a dick pic are slim to none. Looking for either a one time or multiple time fling depending on how we vibe. Life is too short we should enjoy out life Try new things, and learn more I am a easy going & open mid person, i would like to find some "friends" who are social, active, kinky and fun To be around because that's what i am.
Marital Status: Divorced Age: 32 Name: Frederickmitchel Hair: Brown City: Buffalo, Missouri

I am slim, weight 165 lbs, easy going, intelligent. Speak Spanish. Free meetings for sex now Ft.
Marital Status: Separated Age: 24 Name: Jewellbouck1972 Hair: Grey City: Buffalo, Missouri

My ideal person would be someone whos looking for me. No ideal, just someone looking for fun, dte, gsoh and doesnt take anything too serious. I think that having a conversation with someone new is like exploring a new planet, I turn on to be the submissive in the room, gentlemen and kindness. 9 times out of 10, but I am not that great at swimming in all honesty.
Must have sense of humour. Interested in lighthearted, fun, and sometimes goofy Buffalo, MO people to enjoy new adventures.
Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 59 Name: Minecraft213 Hair: Brown City: Buffalo, Missouri

I'm attractive, sensual, and not getting any younger, if you know what that is you just may be the kind of people we are looking for. Women who fuck objicts. Mature, well educated, good looking gent with a great body and wicked sense of humour seeks a mature, curvy lady for connection, passion and playtime. I'll open my legs and take you in and we will sing together.
The mind is a terrible thing to waste so make sure you put it to use and turn those naughty thoughts into reality with moi...
I am very laid back and like to have a good time no strings attached and just wants some fun.
Marital Status: Single Age: 43 Name: rm_jimmyt10710 Hair: Red City: Buffalo, Missouri

I am a sexy 9 stone 5ft.5 filthy women with a passion for sex both men women and couples! that I have written a book here, message me if you think we would have Buffalo, MO a good time.
If this is fun and comfortable we are open to much, much more. If you feel sad and wanna find someone to talk, we can go to coffee shop, or you just wanna be lazy and stay at home, I can cook for you and give you a nice massage, what do you think?
Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 22 Name: NikosTolliver Hair: Red City: Buffalo, Missouri

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I don't like when people think they can posses other people! I mean..