He is a boob man and prefers them larger but finds all of them exciting. Naked girls for Maine. Large penis swinger

It is the quickest way to turn one off! Long night's together.

Marital Status: Married Age: 59 Name: Rav6963 Hair: Auburn City: Acton, Maine

Hit me up if you are interested. I say that I am honest and believe in working hard, and playing hard. Looking for a sexually active country girl I'm not looking for quickie or an beauty queen just Maine a nice lady that knows how to be himself. I am kinky.
Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 52 Name: Sjuls Hair: Red City: Auburn, Maine

Athletics to average build, broad shoulders, brown, trimmed, hygienic and overall good vibe. GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER, BEING FRIENDS, BEING THERE FOR EACH OTHER, WAITING FOR HIS NEXT PHONE CALL, TAKING YOUR TIME FALLING IN LOVE, THE FIRST TIME HE TELLS ME HE LOVES ME, THE FEELING OF EXCITMENT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE TOGETHER AGAIN, THOSE ARE ALL THE THINGS I CAN'T WAIT, WE ARE NEVER TOO OLD AND I KNOW WHAT I WANT. Women who enjoy oral well appreciated. I am straight though. I am married to my husband for 9 years I am 31 he is 29 we are looking for a nice clean woman to hangout with or maybe lead to something more.
Marital Status: Married Age: 47 Name: JameChamberlain908 Hair: Grey City: Oquossoc, Maine

I can tell ya what I dont like about a perosonality...aggressive and rude, conceited and entitled, shy and anxious, stubborn and BORING! Not into groups. Divorced women sex.
Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 37 Name: Devergnefeller Hair: Red City: Spruce Head, Maine

Or a younger lover! I really hope to find some nice ladies in here who are down to hook up. I am not wanting a relationship, just a FWB.
I'm shy in person and a kinda shy even online.
Marital Status: Separated Age: 28 Name: Kelliedouyette Hair: Auburn City: Danforth, Maine

Looking for a woman we can have our first threesome with. Divorced, loyal, caring passionate man. Would like to meet an attractive female or couple for fun.
Family comes first, Business will always be second. I am a single mom with one minor so I do need a couple that is serious about what they need: a sense of humor and the ability to appreciate the art of sarcasm.
Marital Status: Separated Age: 29 Name: rm_ritchieXIII Hair: Chestnut City: Auburn, Maine

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I don't like when people think they can posses other people! I mean..